Trevor Williams

Business Speaker

Trevor Williams served as Chief Economist at Lloyds Bank for over a decade. Now an author, academic and consultant, he analyses the key trends and policies that shape the economy and markets. From energy and climate to how companies use their data to understand the wider economy, he brings clarity and relevance to an often complex and abstract field. Trevor worked for the civil service whilst studying for his economics PhD, after which he went onto work for over 30 years as an economist in the City, most notably at Lloyds.His professional life has encompassed equity and foreign exchange, forecastingand financial analysis. Today he provides clear insight into how politics,demographics and trade shape economies and economic trends. From earnings andinflation to stock markets and trade deals, Trevor explores what is going on inthe economy and what it means to organisations and individuals. Looking at boththe global and the local, the long and short term, he explains what the numbersreally reveal. With a focus on interpreting the information as it is, not aspeople might think or wish it was, he considers the effects of disruptions likeBrexit and the Covid-19 pandemic, and how (and how quickly) economies canrecover and what actions influence that recovery. Trevor also studies whatrisks businesses and governments face and how the economy will react. Inparticular, he looks at the political economics of climate change, includingthe risks for investors, insurers and the general population that this existentialchallenge could impose. He also examines the economics of energy; thelikelihood, causes and potential effects of energy shortages and what decisionsand policies have increased the risk of energy reserves running low, as well asthe cost to businesses and consumers. As rotating Chair of the Institute ofEconomic Affairs’ Shadow Monetary Policy Committee Trevor keeps a close eye onBank of England decisions and direction of travel. He unpicks the impact ofinterest rates, monetary policy and quantitative easing and translates theminto useful intelligence businesses can use to inform strategy. He also revealshow companies can use their own big data sets to reveal insights into thebroader economy and their place within it


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